Coaching Positional Play - "Expansive Football" Attacking Tactics & Practices

Kód: ST-B030
31 €

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DESCRIPTION: Coaching Positional Play


Expansive Football" Attacking Tactics

Learn to Coach Positional Play with the

Spanish Game Model of Expansive Football

Attacking Tactics  Practices

This fantastic FULLCOLOUR book is written by Pasquale Casà Basile, a UEFA Pro Licence Coach

and a specialist in tactics and team management. Learn how to coach positional play and develop

your tactics with the Spanish game model of Expansive Footbal so your team can play effective

attacking football.

There are detailed chapters to outline theExpansive Football game

model including:

 Positional Attacking

 Developing an Effective Attacking Tactical Game

 Methodologies to Use in Training

 Teamwork and Collaboration

 Competitiveness and Desire to Win

 The Methods of Training

 Putting the Theory into Practice with ;Expansive Football

Learn How to Effectively Coach Positional play with the Spanish game

model of Expansive Football

 180 Pages

 Fullcolour Print

 34 Tactical situations

 47 Practices

 U12-U18 + Level

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